Place calls to Latvia from Anguilla cheap with our cheap calling cards.
If you would like to find out more international calling codes to Latvia from Anguilla, simply pick Latvia from the drop down menu and select Anguilla as the country you wish to place the calls from.
The cheapest way of making calls to Latvia cheap is as easy as ordering your calling card online with your credit card or paypal.
You can select from a range of cheap international calling cards to Latvia from Anguilla by inspecting the list below. Once you have found your best calling to Latvia rates, you are almost done. Once you have made your selection of the best calling card to Latvia you can activate it online and begin to make cheap calls to Latvia.
Unlike most other Anguilla calling cards, this Anguilla calling card offers you great value for all calling to Latvia. There are no dropout outs, no disconnection fees, and this is NOT a VOIP service.
You want to make cheapest calls to Latvia from Anguilla. Many calling card review sites have tagged our calling cards as the best around.
International calls to Latvia have never been cheaper!
Call Latvia now.
Cheap international calling cards from Anguilla.
Best Anguilla calling card rates.
Cheapest Anguilla telephone cards on the net!
To call from Anguilla to Latvia you need to dial:
011 + 371 + city code + phone number
Cheapest Card to call Latvia-Landline
Phone Card
Rate, A$ |
Connection Fee
Some telephone cards charge a once off connection fee each you make a call. If make longer calls it may be better for you to buy a card that has a connection fee as the per minute rate is usually lower.
Billing Increment
The billing increment is the smallest unit of time you are charged for. If a card has a 3 minute billing increment it means that you are charged for 3 minutes even if you make a one minute or two minute phone call. This is not as bad as it sounds as you will "lose" a maximum of 2 minutes or less on a 3 minute billing increment card regardless of how long you talk. Be careful of websites that sell cards that do not show the telephone card's billing increment.
Notes |
Local access availability |
104.4 ¢/min |
89 ¢ |
3 min
Local access no. in Adelaide, Albury, Alice Springs, Armidale, Ballarat, Bathurst, Bendigo, Brisbane, Broken Hill, Broome, Bunbury, Bundaberg, Cairns, Campbelltown, Canberra, Coffs Harbour, Darwin, Dubbo, Geelong, Geraldton, Gladstone, Gold Coast, Gosford, Grafton, Hobart, Karratha, Launceston, Lismore, Mackay, Maroochydore, Maryborough, Melbourne, Mildura, Mount Gambier, Mt Isa, Murry Bridge, Newcastle, Nowra, Orange, Penrith, Perth, Port Macquarie, Rockhampton, Rockingham, Shepparton, Sunshine Coast, Sydney, Tamworth, Toowoomba, Townsville, Waga, Wangaratta, Warrnambool, Wollongong. 1300 number available nationally @ additional 5 cents/ min. 24 hours flat rates. |
Cheapest Card to call Latvia-Mobile
Phone Card
Rate, A$ |
Connection Fee
Some telephone cards charge a once off connection fee each you make a call. If make longer calls it may be better for you to buy a card that has a connection fee as the per minute rate is usually lower.
Billing Increment
The billing increment is the smallest unit of time you are charged for. If a card has a 3 minute billing increment it means that you are charged for 3 minutes even if you make a one minute or two minute phone call. This is not as bad as it sounds as you will "lose" a maximum of 2 minutes or less on a 3 minute billing increment card regardless of how long you talk. Be careful of websites that sell cards that do not show the telephone card's billing increment.
Notes |
Local access availability |
108.4 ¢/min |
79 ¢ |
3 min
Local access no. in Adelaide, Albury, Alice Springs, Armidale, Ballarat, Bathurst, Bendigo, Brisbane, Broken Hill, Broome, Bunbury, Bundaberg, Cairns, Campbelltown, Canberra, Coffs Harbour, Darwin, Dubbo, Geelong, Geraldton, Gladstone, Gold Coast, Gosford, Grafton, Hobart, Karratha, Launceston, Lismore, Mackay, Maroochydore, Maryborough, Melbourne, Mildura, Mount Gambier, Mt Isa, Murry Bridge, Newcastle, Nowra, Orange, Penrith, Perth, Port Macquarie, Rockhampton, Rockingham, Shepparton, Sunshine Coast, Sydney, Tamworth, Toowoomba, Townsville, Waga, Wangaratta, Warrnambool, Wollongong. 1300 number available nationally @ additional 5 cents/ min. 24 hours flat rates. |
City |
Code |
Aizkraukle |
51 |
Aluksne |
43 |
Balvi |
45 |
Bauska |
39 |
Cesis |
41 |
Daugavpils |
54 |
Dobele |
37 |
Gulbene |
44 |
Jekabpils |
52 |
Jelgava |
30 |
Kraslava |
56 |
Kuldiga |
33 |
Liepaja |
34 |
Limbazi |
40 |
Ludza |
57 |
Madona |
48 |
Mobile Phones |
59 60 61 |
Ogre |
50 |
Preili |
53 |
Rezekne |
46 |
Riga |
7 28 29 |
Saldus |
38 |
Talsi |
32 |
Tukums |
31 |
Valka |
47 |
Valmiera |
42 |
Ventspils |
36 |